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1.8m Wide Premium Monofilament Windbreak Shade Netting 55% Green Loktex

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Plants/Acers,Plants/Climbing Plants,Plants/Climbing Plants/Actinidia Kiwi,Plants/Climbing Plants/Browse All Climbing Plants,Plants/Climbing Plants/Campsis Trumpet Vine,Plants/Climbing Plants/Chocolate Vine Akebia,Plants/Climbing Plants/Clematis,Plants/Climbing Plants/Climbing Rose,Plants/Climbing Plants/Hedera Ivy,Plants/Climbing Plants/Hydrangea Climbing,Plants/Climbing Plants/Jasmine Jasminum,Plants/Climbing Plants/Lonicera Honeysuckle,Plants/Climbing Plants/Parthenocissus Virginia Creeper,Plants/Climbing Plants/Passionflower Passiflora,Plants/Climbing Plants/Pyracantha Firethorn,Plants/Climbing Plants/Russian Vine,Plants/Climbing Plants/Vitus Grape Vine,Plants/Climbing Plants/Wisteria,Plants/Ferns,Plants/Fruit Bushes,Plants/Grape Vines,Plants/Grasses,Plants/House Plants,Plants/Magnolia's,Plants/Herbaceous Perennials,Plants/Plant and Tree Food,Plants/Professional Plant Pots,Plants/Roses,Plants/Shrubs/Evergreen Shrubs,Plants/Shrubs/Flower Colour Blue,Plants/Shrubs/Flower Colour Other,Plants/Shrubs/Flower Colour Pink,Plants/Shrubs/Flower Colour Purple,Plants/Shrubs/Flower Colour Red,Plants/Shrubs/Flower Colour White,Plants/Shrubs/Flower Colour Yellow,Plants/Shrubs/Fragrant Shrubs,Plants/Shrubs/Hardy Ferns,Plants/Shrubs/Ornamental Grasses,Plants/Shrubs/Shrubs A-E,Plants/Shrubs/Shrubs F-K,Plants/Shrubs/Shrubs L-R,Plants/Shrubs/Shrubs S-Z
Product Description

As used by Direct Plants, Loktex netting incorporates flat tape threads and double lock-stitch tear-proof technology with button holes top and bottom. It is the ultimate knitted windproof product, dramatically reducing wind impact speeds to protect crops from wind, water loss, soil erosion, wind-borne diseases and heat loss. Loktex is used across the world as a reliable and trustworthy windbreak and shade material

1.8m wide x 55% Shade Rating Green Loktex is a premium shade / windbreak netting, as used within the horticulutral industry.

Price is per running meter.

(i.e add 10x qty to basket & you will receive 1.8m wide x 10m long)

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