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Acer Negundo Maple Trees

Here's something different for you. Acer negundo maple trees were native to the Americas but in the UK the plant is more commonly known as box elder or ash leaf. It's a fast-growing maple and like all acers produces wonderfully coloured foliage. If you regularly prune the tree it can be suitable for smaller gardens.

Multibuy deals on all our acer negundo maple trees

Don't forget the more you buy the more you save. You can save up to 20% by taking advantage of the multibuy deals we have on all our garden plants. Once you've gone through our secure checkout process our experienced team will swing into action to ensure you receive your ash leaf maple plants quickly and in perfect condition. They’ll only pick the best plants for you. In the meantime, if you need any further information, help or advice on our range of shrubs don’t hesitate to contact our helpful team on 01485 601143 or

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Acer Negundo Trees Ash Leaf Maples

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