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Conifers: The Perfect Plants for Borders, Pots, and More

Conifers: The Perfect Plants for Borders, Pots, and More

1st Nov 2023

You're never far from a conifer. Gardens, woodlands, and public spaces are filled with them in the UK. And of course conifers aren't just firs and spruces but also include pines, and cypresses along with yew, hemlocks and even redwoods.

But for this discussion we'll restrict ourselves to the more common firs and spruces which can be found in gardens up and down the country and are mostly used for hedging. But conifers have so much more to offer in terms of garden design and landscaping. With their different forms, textures, and colours, they can, and will, add interest and beauty to your garden throughout the year.

There is nothing boring about conifers

Unfortunately, conifers often get bad press. In fact the only times you ever see them written or talked about is when someone complains about their neighbours 60' hedge. And, alas, many gardeners tend to dismiss conifers as boring . And let's face it, they don't have the beauty of a rose or the elegance of a lily. But we can't all be catwalk queens.

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Conifers have a beauty all of their own. As I noted above there are countless varieties of conifer available, each with its own unique characteristics. From tall and majestic to small and compact, they come in all shapes, sizes, and shades. And, as we'll see, conifers can be used in many different ways to bring variety and added interest to your planting scheme.

Winter, spring , summer, or fall.....

We usually think about planting conifers in autumn or winter. There's something about them which screams to plant me when it's cold. But it doesn't have to be the case. You can plant your conifers at any time of the year provided that the soil is not frozen or waterlogged. But, having said that, If you do want to keep yourself occupied after summer fades away, planting conifers is ideal if the soil is still manageable.

What can I use conifers for?

Well, you can use them for hedging of course. But why stop, or start, there? Conifers are incredibly versatile plants that can be used in different ways in the garden. You can even use them in the border.

Pop a few conifers in your border and you'll wonder why you never did it before. They'll provide structure and height and a nice backdrop for your other plants. At the same time they'll create a sense of depth. Just make sure you don't allow them to get out of hand and take over the full border. Talking of which.

When you get around to choosing the conifers for your border, you obviously need to consider the size and shape of the plant (as well as how fast they will grow and spread), as well as their colour and texture.

Conifers vary so much you can easily create an interesting and colourful border. Some conifers have a compact, rounded shape, while others are tall and narrow. Some have bright green, blue, or golden foliage, each of which can add a unique touch to your garden. Remember to plant them in well-draining soil and provide them with plenty of water and nutrients.

In addition to borders, you can also grow your conifers in pots. Which is great news for those of us who want the joy of conifers but don’t have the space for massive greenery. Somewhat surprisingly, many conifers are well-suited to container growing. Especially those dwarf varieties which have a compact, slow-growing habit. When planting conifers in pots, choose a large container with good drainage and use a high-quality potting mix.

You can plant conifers all year-round

One of the great things about conifers is that they are evergreen. They look great all year-round. They retain their foliage, providing colour and texture throughout the year. Even in the depths of winter, when the weather is rubbish, the conifers will add colour to an otherwise bare and uninviting garden.

Now, we did say that conifers can be planted at any time of year. But there are some advantages to planting in different seasons. Planting your conifers in spring or summer gives the conifers a chance to establish themselves before the winter months, while planting in autumn or winter can help to reduce the risk of transplant shock.

Conifers are also very easy to grow and care for. They are low-maintenance plants and are generally hardy and resistant to pests and diseases. However, most conifers will need regular pruning to maintain their shape and size, especially if they are being grown in pots.

Getting creative with conifers

In addition to borders and pots, conifers can be used as focal points in the landscape. They can also be used as windbreaks or privacy screens, providing shelter and protection from the elements.

Another exciting use for conifers in the garden is as wildlife habitat. Many conifers produce cones that are a valuable food source for birds and other wildlife. Just by planting a few conifers you can help local wildlife and do your bit for the environment.

Planting conifers in your garden

So, conifers are not boring at all are they? They are colourful, look great, and they deserve a place in every garden. And not just as a huge hedge to annoy the neighbours with.

The wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colours means that there is a conifer to suit every garden style and size. Whether you have a vast landscape to fill or a small balcony that needs brightening up, planting some conifers.

And, not only do they look good, but conifers are practical too. As windbreaks or privacy screens, they can create secluded and sheltered areas in your garden, providing a haven from the outside world.

So, the next time you are planning your garden, don't overlook these fantastic plants. However you choose to use them you can be assured they will add that extra something to your garden.

Finally, while you’re here why not check out our full range of conifers and start planning how they will fit into your new planting scheme.

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