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Growing Walnut trees in pots

Growing Walnut trees in pots

25th Oct 2020

With many of us living in homes with more humble- sized outdoor spaces, we’ve had to resort to using pots in order to create our ideal gardens. Others enjoy container gardening and displaying their pots on a patio or decking area. Planting fruit trees in pots seems like a popular option for most, as it provides a versatile home for them to grow. But what about nut trees?

Walnut trees are one of the best choices as they are durable and easy to take care of. But it can be daunting to know where to start. Fear not, we’ve got some excellent tips for growing walnut trees in pots!

Why choose to grow walnut trees?

Walnut trees are extremely durable, which is always beneficial in British gardens. There’s no need to worry when the weather is bad, as a well-established tree will be able to withstand all types of weather. And it will provide a fruitful harvest come springtime. Walnuts usually begin to produce fruit after four years, so they do require some patience.

Growing a walnut tree in a pot

Space can be a key factor when it comes to choosing a tree, especially if you’re limited to using a container. Some trees would be a no-go when it comes to container planting as some varieties of nut trees run about 8-9 metres in height. Walnut trees can be a great option if you’re short on space in your garden as they can be easily kept in containers.

Even if you have a decent sized garden, starting your walnut tree off in a pot can provide a handy place to grow until its large enough to place into the ground.

If you’re planning on using a container, its vital to use a well-draining soil and check your container has plenty of drainage holes. Walnut trees are also known to prefer alkaline soils, so this could also be something to consider when prepping your pot.

Walnut trees need plenty of natural light or light shade in order to thrive. You may need to move your container around to ensure it has enough sun in order to thrive. Keep your tree’s soil moist, but not water-logged as overwatering can cause rotting.

Caring for your walnut tree

When it comes to taking care of your walnut tree, its virtually hassle free. Pruning should be done to encourage production of side shoots, but this also restricts the size of the tree. Which is important if it’s staying in a pot. You should prune your tree between mid-summer and early autumn in order to prevent the tree oozing sap from the pruning cuts.

As your tree grows, simply transfer to a larger pot to provide more room for the plant. Should you choose to eventually plant your walnut tree into your garden, ensure that the visible soil line at the foot of the tree is just above the level of the soil.

When it comes to harvesting your walnut tree, its recommended that you dry out the nuts first. This is because they can be rubbery when first picked. When they’re ready for harvest the nuts grow in a shell surrounded by a leathery casing which splits open when the nuts ripen in autumn.

Tips for growing walnut trees in pots

Although the process of maintaining your walnut tree is mostly hassle free, there are a few things to take note of in order to keep your plant healthy. Pests can be a problem for walnut trees. Grey squirrels can be a nuisance. If your tree’s trunk is large enough, you can wrap a plastic tree guard around your tree in order to prevent unwanted visitors.

Walnut leaves can be blighted by leaf blotch. Unfortunately, there is no chemical control for these diseases. However, regular collection and disposal of infected leaves can help to break the life cycle of infections.

If you plan to eventually plant your walnut tree into your garden, then you should consider what other plants are nearby in order to prevent allelopathy. This a process where walnuts trees secrete chemicals into the soil which can damage other plants. Tomato plants and apple trees are known to be particularly affected by this process.

Walnut is one of the most hassle-free trees to grow, even in containers. By following this guide, you’ll be well prepared for when you decide to introduce a walnut tree to that empty space on your patio. 

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