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Here we go round the mulberry bush: Getting to grips with the giant Mulberry fruit tree

Here we go round the mulberry bush: Getting to grips with the giant Mulberry fruit tree

11th Apr 2021

A traditional children’s nursery rhyme and an obscure 1960s British teen movie share the title of this blog post. But we’re not too concerned about either of those - though the movie is worth checking out just to see perennial nice guy Christopher Timothy playing a villain called Spike. But I digress....

Mulberry bushes and trees have long been favourites with gardeners. They are straightforward to grow and produce lots of lovely fruit. And there’s so much you can do with that fruit.

We always make sure we have mulberry bushes available on our website as we know our customers really enjoy planting and cultivating them. And we are always on the lookout for something different to offer. Which is why we thought we’d tell you all about the giant mulberry fruit tree.

What is the giant Mulberry fruit tree?

The morus mulberry giant fruit is, as you’d probably expect, a tall tree which produces incredibly large fruit. The tree is also known as mulberry Pakistan and the fruit can be up to three times the size of regular mulberries. As you can see in the photo below, they really are huge.

The tree will make a marvellous feature in the garden. And, as befitting its stature, the specimen you receive from us will be a whopping seven to eight feet tall. It’s so big it’ll be shipped to you in a 12-litre pot.

The giant mulberry fruit tree has a very strong root system. And as they can grow very tall you do need to leave plenty of space for them. Don’t plant next to a fence or wall. It’s probably best to leave up to 30 feet to accommodate their spreading habit. Needless to say, this isn’t a fruit tree for the patio.

The tree can be planted in a sunny aspect and they prefer a well-drained soil. The tree is a heavy cropper and will provide you with plenty of fruit. Don’t forget to wear gloves when you harvest the fruit as they can stain. In the UK mulberries are usually harvested in late summer to early autumn.

You can learn more about this amazing tree by clicking here.

What can I do with the fruit from the giant mulberry tree?

The fruit is more or less the same as any other mulberries. Just much bigger. And very sweet and juicy. You can of course eat the fruit fresh from the tree or use it in cooking.

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But there are loads of ways to utilise the lovely fruit you get from the giant mulberry. Who doesn’t love a mulberry pie? But they do make an exceptional jam. You can use them in pastries, protein shakes and, if you’re partial to a tipple, homemade mulberry wine will do nicely for a warm evening on the patio.

What about other mulberry bushes?

Unfortunately, as much as we would all love a giant mulberry tree at the bottom of the garden, we don’t all have the luxury of the space needed to grow such a tree. But don’t worry.

Let’s go from one extreme to the other.

Dwarf mulberry fruit bushes

If you only have a small plot, a balcony, or a patio our dwarf mulberry tree is perfect for you. It will only grow to a maximum height of four feet so is ideal for anyone with a small space. This tree is of course perfect for growing in containers.

Like all our mulberry trees this is self-fertile and very easy to grow. It produces lovely, sweet fruit which matures throughout the summer months until they are ripe for picking.

So, whether you are looking for a giant tree or something more manageable we have what you need. Click here to see all our mulberry bushes and feel free to contact us on should you have any questions.

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