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How to grow Japanese maples - Ask the Expert

How to grow Japanese maples - Ask the Expert

1st Dec 2020

Japanese maples, also known as acers, are one of the most popular trees or shrubs around. They are so beautiful and elegant and provide a stunning focal point in any planting scheme. There can’t be many gardeners out there who haven’t been entranced by an acer. Certainly, we get asked so many times about how to grow Japanese maples that we know how many of our customers enjoy these wonderful trees. There are some questions we get asked more often than others so we’ve compiled them on this page along with some tips on how to get the best out of your acer plants and trees.

Are Japanese maples easy to grow?

The good news is that even the most novice of home gardeners will be able to get great results from planting Japanese maples. They are a very hardy plant which always makes things easier. But they are also very low maintenance. They don’t need pruning unless it’s to remove dead stems so you won’t have to spend much time on caring for them.

Can I grow a Japanese acer in a pot?

You can. In fact, because they are so slow growing acers are perfect for planting in pots or containers. You’ll need a large pot.

This should be around double the size of the plant’s roots. Fill half the pot with compost and plant the acer to the same depth it was in the container in which it arrived from Direct Plants. Gently firm down the compost around the plant and then fill the container with the rest of your compost.

Finally, add some mulch and water well. Remember to always use a large pot, site the plant in a sheltered position and never, ever let the pot dry out. Feed with a slow release fertiliser every spring.

When should I repot my acer?

You’ll probably have to repot your acer every two years or so. Early spring is the best time to do this as the plant will be bedded into its pot when the new roots begin to grow. Remember to choose a pot which is slightly larger than the previous one and water well once the plant is transferred to its new container.

Where is the best place to plant Japanese maples?

Acers need partial shade. They should be kept out of direct sunlight as this can cause the plants foliage to discolour and curl at the edges. Acers are also very susceptible to wind damage so try and keep your plant as sheltered as possible. An ideal position is when the acer is protected by a hedge which can act as a windbreak.

When planting make sure your acer has plenty of room. Remember maples are very shallow rooted so don’t crowd it with other plants.

When is the best time to plant maple trees and shrubs?

Autumn or spring is always the best time to plant Japanese maples. When planting the most important thing to remember is to dig a large hole. Don’t try and cram your plant into a small hole. Once dug add some organic compost and plant your acer to the same depth as its original pot. Gently firm the ground around the plant, fill with soil so the roots are covered and water well. If you’re planting a larger maple tree which is already well grown support it with a stake.

Should I prune my Japanese maple?

You don’t need to prune your maple. The only time you need to do so is to remove any dead stems. You could prune your acer to change or control its shape but this should be done sparingly. If you do need to prune your maple it’s best to do so in winter when the plant is dormant. 

Click here to see all the wonderful Japanese maples available now from Direct Plants.

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