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How to plant fruit trees - Ask the Expert

How to plant fruit trees - Ask the Expert

1st Dec 2020

We get lots of questions on how to plant fruit trees. It isn’t surprising as many of us love the idea of growing our own fruit. It’s fun, healthy and there’s nothing better than eating fruit fresh from our own tree or baking any number of sweet delights or jams.

Here are the most common questions we get asked on how to grow fruit trees:

Can I grow fruit trees in the UK?

Absolutely. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the variety of fruit which can be grown in this country - despite our less than ideal climate. From the traditional apple, pear and plum to more exotic fig, apricot or even nuts it’s amazing what can be successfully grown in the UK.

When is the best time to plant fruit trees?

Generally speaking, you should be planting your fruit trees in early spring. However, you could also plant in late winter as long as the ground isn't frozen. If it's a hard winter though you will be best waiting for the onset of spring to warm up the ground. The exception here is if you have a bare root ball fruit tree. These should always be planted in winter giving the dormant plant’s roots time to establish themselves for spring.

Do I need a big garden to grow fruit trees?

Don’t feel restricted by a lack of space. You don’t need an orchard or large garden to grow fruit trees. If you have a patio, decking or other small space you can still enjoy growing your own fruit trees. There are many wonderful mini or dwarf varieties that you can successfully grow in a pot in just about any restricted space.

What is cross-pollination?

You may have heard that to grow fruit trees they need to be cross-pollinated. This is true. Basically, cross-pollination is when an insect (or the wind) transfers pollen from the male cone of one tree to the female cone of another. This is why you'll often find fruit trees in pairs or larger groups. You should bear the need for cross-pollination in mind when you choose your fruit trees. But do be aware that some varieties are more compatible than others for cross-pollination. However, some fruit trees are self-pollinating. These trees are also called self-fruiting.

What is a self-pollinating fruit tree?

These varieties of tree don’t require companion trees to pollinate them. A self-pollinating fruit tree will produce fruit on their own. This is why they are sometimes referred to as self-fruiting trees. This type of tree is ideal for those who don’t have the space in their garden for multiple trees. Varieties of cherry, apricot and peach trees are among the most popular self-pollinating fruit trees.

Can I plant different types of fruit trees together?

You can. In fact, you’ll get the best results when different varieties are grown together. Most fruit trees grow well together but you can check the compatibility of different fruit varieties on the product listings on our website. Do remember to leave space between each tree to allow for canopy growth, air flow and root development.

Do you have any tips on planting fruit trees?

Here’s a few quick and easy tips on getting the best results from your fruit trees…

●When you receive your trees from Direct Plants make sure you give the roots a good soaking before planting.

●Don’t attempt to plant your tree in winter or when there is frost on the ground. The exception to winter planting is if you have a bare-rooted tree which can be planted in early winter if there is no frost.

●Position your tree in the sunniest most sheltered spot possible.

●When planting your fruit tree dig a hole that is at least a third if not double than the size of the tree’s roots and to the same depth.

●Carefully refill the hole with soil after positioning the tree tramping down the ground once the tree is planted.

●Once planted you should immediately water the tree once more.

Click here to see all the wonderful fruit trees available now from Direct Plants.

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