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Small Ornamental Trees and How to Care for Them

Small Ornamental Trees and How to Care for Them

12th Feb 2023

Small ornament trees such as magnolias and maples add colour and vibrancy to a garden. They can be planted in pots and even those gardeners who are restricted in the amount of planting space they have can create a wonderful and interesting feature using ornamental trees. Even if the only space you have available is the corner of a patio.

What are small ornamental trees?

The classic definition is that a tree is classed as small if it grows to be less than 15 feet tall. Of course, even that is quite big in some situations and most of the trees we’ll discuss can be pruned to stay at a much more manageable height. We’ll also talk about space-saving mini patio trees which are often used to maximise the impact of a small area.

We’ll also discuss the different types of trees, how to choose the right one for your garden, and offer a few nuggets of advice on how to care for them.

Of course, the great attraction of small ornamental trees is their ability to add beauty and interest to a garden while taking up less space. But let’s look at four types of small ornamental tree that will add interest and colour to any garden without taking up much space. And, as a bonus, they are easy to grow and most gardeners will see great results.

Types of small ornamental trees

Mini patio trees

Whether grown in the grown or more frequently in pots, mini patio trees are a popular choice for many gardeners because they are small enough to fit in even the most restricted of spaces. Only got a balcony? A mini patio tree is perfect for you. Got more space? Group five or six together for an amazing display.

These trees will create focal points and add interest to any garden.

From ornamental cherry blossoms to evergreen lollipops and even olive trees we have a fantastic range to choose from.  Click here to see all our mini patio trees.

Flowering crab apple

Crab apples are well known for their showy flowers and fruit. They can grow up to 15 feet tall but can be kept much shorter, and they absolutely thrive in the UK’s climate. With their beautiful red, purple, white, or orange foliage crab apples just look wonderful and are so easy to grow.

Have a look at the  crab apple trees we have on the site and pick up one or two for your garden.


Who doesn’t love a magnolia. On the face of it this is a strange inclusion on our small ornamental tree list as they can grow to over 25 feet. But by carefully pruning and maintaining the tree you can keep it under control and varieties such as the Magnolia Fairy Cream will only grow to a maximum of eight feet but can be kept much shorter.

Magnolias are of course renowned for their large, fragrant flowers that bloom in the spring and are delightful to see in any setting.

Japanese maples

My personal favourite type of small ornamental tree. Maples, or acers, are wonderful. So delicate with lace-like leaves and unique branching patterns. These trees will create a tranquil and peaceful atmosphere in the garden.

Maples are such a beautiful tree and will add something to any space. Why not take a look at all the  Japanese maples we have in the nursery?

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Choosing an ornamental tree

Apart from how the tree looks and how straightforward it is to grow, there’s a couple of other things to consider before you decide which trees to plant. Obviously the British climate can be a funny beast so do make sure the tree you buy is UK hardy.

Think about the soil type, is it sandy, boggy, or chalky? And of course you must take into account the space you have available. However, as we’ve already discussed, judicious pruning can keep most small ornamental trees manageable.

Planting and location

Where you locate your tree very much depends on what you're trying to achieve. And let's face it, we can't always have the perfect growing conditions. Of course, the beauty of growing your small ornamental trees in pots is that you're able to move them around in inclement weather or just to find a sunnier aspect.

Nevertheless, there are things you can prep before planting including clearing the planting area by removing any weeds and debris. If you're planting into a container of course you won't have to worry about preparing the soil except for adding organic matter or fertiliser if you wish.

Just a word on positioning your small ornamental tree. All plants are different of course but most will require plenty of light so do be aware of that when deciding where to plant your tree.

Prior to planting water, the root ball of the plant and water generously once planted. Carry on a generous watering regimen until the tree is established. However, do take care not to over water as this can cause root rot.

Pruning and maintenance

As we've already alluded too, pruning your ornamental trees is important to keep their growth under control. But careful pruning also will also help to keep your tree healthy, maintain an attractive shape, and encourage new growth.

Pruning should always be done in the winter when the tree is dormant. You should remove dead, diseased, or crossed branches and always aim to maintain its shape.

Those pesky pests

As gardeners we all loathe pests and diseases which can decimate our plants. Unfortunately, they are a way of life in the garden and it'll be a lucky summer when we don't have to cope with pests on our small ornamental trees.

Prevention is always better than cure and ensuring plenty of sunlight, regular watering, and careful pruning can help to prevent pests but there isn't too much else you can do.

Symptoms of pests and disease include discoloured or yellowing leaves, wilted or stunned growth, and of course you can see pests with the naked eye. If your tree is affected by a pest or disease, it should be treatable with specialist spray or even jets of water can dislodge pests like aphids. If in doubt you can always send us an email and we'll do our best to advise you. Contact us here.

Summing up

Growing small ornamental trees can be a rewarding and fulfilling and they will add colour and interest to a garden. Whether it's a mini patio tree, crab apple, magnolia, Japanese maple, or any of the other varieties we have in the nursery you're bound to find a tree which will bring enjoyment for many years.

Click here to view all our ornamental trees

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