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Tips for growing roses in pots and the best roses for containers

Tips for growing roses in pots and the best roses for containers

27th Mar 2022

We all love roses and there can’t be many of us who don’t have a rose bush or two in our gardens or at least have the ambition to have. Beautiful, gloriously colourful, easy to grow and so many different varieties to choose from. It’s no wonder we enjoy roses so much.

Of course, we’re not all fortunate enough to have the space for a rose garden but, no matter how large or small your garden, you can grow roses in pots and make them a feature of whatever space you have available.

Is there anything more quintessentially English than the rose? It’s the national flower of the country and a rose garden is symbolically British. And while many people choose to grow roses along borders and in the ground, it’s also possible to grow them in pots, but is there a knack to this?

In this guide, we’ll be looking at the benefits of growing roses in pots and containers as well as which varieties work best. You’ll also find some care tips to help your roses thrive.

What are the benefits of growing roses in pots?

One of the major benefits of growing roses in pots is that it doesn’t matter how small your garden is. Oftentimes, people assume that, since roses can have a wide spread, they can’t be planted in compact gardens.

However, since you have much more control over the growth of the plant when it’s in a pot, you can still have that beautiful splash of colour no matter the size of the area. That said, some varieties of rose won’t do very well in a pot so it’s important to choose the right type. More on that later.

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Another great thing about growing roses in pots is that you can still add these beautiful blooms to your garden even if the soil isn’t the best. In some areas, heavy clay can prevent you from being able to grow roses in the ground.

But by using containers and pots, you can grow as many of these flowering plants as your heart desires, without the worry that they won’t thrive because of bad conditions.

Are roses easy to grow in pots? - Tips for success

As we have already mentioned, not all roses are suitable for pots. Rambling roses should be grown in the ground so it’s best to avoid these. After all, the clue is in the name here. You want a rose you can control.

But all types of roses are very deep rooting so the key to success when it comes to container growing is ensuring enough room for the roots to spread.

This means choosing a pot that appears to be too large for the plant and making sure that it has adequate depth. As a rule of thumb, you’ll want nothing smaller than a 60-litre pot or one that is at least twice as big as the root ball of the plant.

Ask the Expert guide to how to prune roses

Moreover, you should think about the type of container you’re using. Roses need well-drained soil so make sure that the pot has a sufficient amount of drainage holes.

Placing the pots on a raised platform such as bricks or terracotta risers will also ensure the soil drains well but remains moist. The compost you use should be loam based as this will hold nutrients very well.

Speaking of nutrients, you will need to use a rose-specific fertiliser in the spring as these plants are heavy feeders. Moreover, if you want to improve their health and encourage good flower production, you’ll need to regularly prune and deadhead the plants.

When considering whether roses are easy to grow in pots, it’s really about how well you care for them. If you dedicate the time and effort needed to help the plants thrive, you should have very few problems.

Where should you place your roses in containers?

One of the great things about growing roses in pots is that you have much more freedom when choosing the perfect spot. However, you must consider that these plants require a lot of direct sunlight so you’ll need to choose somewhere that gets at least six hours of sun every day.

That said, the roses will also need good air circulation so make sure that, wherever you place the pots, they’re not crowded by other containers and plants. This will ensure that the roses are less prone to diseases.

Which type of rose grows best in pots?

The good news is that there are a lot of rose varieties that will do very well when grown in a pot provided, they receive the right care.

Many people love the tea rose and the Rosa Blessings Hybrid Tea Rose is one of the most popular. 

These are a beautiful rose and a favourite in our nursery. They and come ready potted in an array of stunning soft colours from blush pink to bright yellow or deep red. They’ll do well in a container as long as they are well pruned. If you don’t do this, the branches will become tangled.

Another excellent choice of rose for growing in a pot is the Champagne Moment Standard Rose. This soft champagne coloured bloom with a pop of delicate pink in the centre is certainly one of the most beautiful roses. 

What’s more, they do very well in pots and it’s recommended to leave them in a container until the roots are fully established. While you can then replant them in the ground, moving them to a larger pot will be just as viable.

You might also opt for the Jacques Cartier Old English Shrub Rose Plant which is a very fragrant rose variety with rich pink flowers. They’re incredibly versatile and can be grown in the ground or in a container. 

What’s even better about these roses is that they can be grown in partial shade so if you have a small area that doesn’t get a lot of full sun, these will be more resistant to that.

Why roses are great for pots

Roses have long been seen as one of the most beautiful flowering plants in the world. A symbol of love, romance, peace, friendship and so much more, it’s no wonder that they’re so popular.

But if you don’t have the opportunity to plant them in the ground, it’s perfectly possible to grow these delightful plants in a container. There are certain varieties that will do better in a pot so make sure to choose the right type and ensure you give it the care it deserves. The plant will reward you with stunning blooms year after year. 

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