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Unusual fruit trees you can grow in the UK

Unusual fruit trees you can grow in the UK

2nd Feb 2020

If you’re looking for a new project this summer how about planting a fruit tree or two? Growing your own fruit is very rewarding and isn’t as tricky as you may think. There’s also plenty of choice.

There are many types of fruit trees with many different varieties of each fruit including apples, pears and plums. You may also be able to cultivate more exotic fruits with a lot of work in your greenhouse or polytunnel.

But which are the slightly more unusual fruit trees you can grow in the UK? The trees which are a little different from the norm but are fully hardy for the British climate? The trees which anyone can successfully grow without spending hour upon hour in controlled conditions with the uncertainty of whether the tree will survive or actually produce any fruit at all.

Here’s a short list of trees which you may not have considered but which will all produce a great crop of tasty fruit.

5 unusual fruit trees you can grow in the UK

Fig Brown Turkey

More associated with Asian and Mediterranean countries you are able to grow fig trees in the UK. Fig brown turkey is fully hardy in British conditions and is such a versatile tree. It’s straightforward to grow and can even be kept in pots on the patio. If you plant the fig brown turkey in the garden it can grow up to around 15 feet but you can control the height by regular pruning. This is a self-fertile tree so is ideal for beginners and does best when it’s in a sheltered position but can benefit from full sun. Figs are of course a deliciously sweet fruit and can be used in many different ways in the kitchen.


‘Slices of quince’ were a big hit with the owl and the pussycat but you can also grow this unusual and very aromatic fruit in your own garden. Cydonia oblonga vranja is a variety of quince tree available from Direct Plants. This wonderful tree has very fragrant pink and white flowers in spring and every summer will produces masses of quince. And as it’s self-fertile this tree is very easy to grow and will tolerate most conditions. With pruning it can be kept to a height of around 6 feet but can grow to 13 feet if allowed to. Quince is brilliant for jams, jellies and chutneys.

Blue Tit Plum

The Victoria plum is probably the most popular fruit tree of all with UK gardeners. And understandably so. However, if you’re a fan of this type of fruit but want something a little different you should consider the blue tit plum. This is another English variety but is quite unique. It produces fruit which is slightly smaller than other varieties of plum but it’s firm, very sweet and juicy. It’s equally enjoyable eaten straight from the tree or cooked in a dessert. And of course, it will make wonderful jam. The tree itself is easy to grow and is ideal for less experienced gardeners as it has more resistance to disease and over-fruiting compared to other types of plum tree. It can be grown in full sun or semi-shade and will achieve a maximum height of around 12 feet.

Almond Nut

Nut trees aren’t usually something which immediately springs to mind when gardeners are thinking about something new. An almond tree not only looks attractive but it will also produce a plentiful crop of edible nuts. Nut trees may be a little daunting but the prunus dulcis robijn is one of the more reliable varieties and is fully UK hardy. The tree shows wonderful pink blossoms in the spring and has attractive glossy green leaves. It can grow up to 15 feet tall but pruning will keep it to a more manageable height for smaller gardens.

Green Sensation Apple Tree

Apple may seem like a strange choice to have on our list of unusual fruit trees you can grow in the UK. But we as a nation enjoy our apples. And if there’s one type of fruit tree everyone wants in their garden it’s the lovely, versatile apple. But that doesn’t mean to say you’re restricted to the traditional favourites such as bramleys or golden delicious.

Green sensation is one of the lesser known varieties but is so interesting to grow. And it’s suitable for every garden and can be easily grown on the patio. Green sensation blossoms in spring and produces a massive crop of juicy apples every summer. The tree available from Direct Plants is specially grown as a ballerina tree which will mature into a beautiful column tree only 5 feet tall. It’s perfect for the patio or small garden and will bear lots of fruit. 


There are of course many other types and varieties of fruit trees you can choose from. But hopefully you’ll find some inspiration for something a little different in our list of some of the more unusual fruit trees you can grow in the UK.

If you need any further information or just require some advice on how to grow your fruit trees please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01485 601143 or email us at - we’re always here to help.

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