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Using conifers for hedging

Using conifers for hedging

31st Oct 2021

Conifers aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. To be honest you either love them or hate them. Super fast to grow their main advantage is also their main disadvantage. Yes, they are very quick to grow and spread, but that means they need to be regularly trimmed to keep them in check.

If you’re not handy with a hedge trimmer you should give conifers a swerve. But, if you’re looking for a hedge that will not only grow quickly but also remain vibrant and green all winter long, as well as providing privacy in your garden, then there aren’t many things much more suitable than the conifer.

These hardy plants are ideal for adding a splash of colour when things get gloomy and are relatively easy to care for provided you are willing to put in the effort to stop them from getting out of control.

Why you should use conifers for hedging

For anyone who is in a hurry to create the perfect boundary, conifers are one of the best choices since these are such fast growing plants that you’ll have a fully-fledged hedge in no time. Depending on the species, conifers can grow anywhere between 12 and 24 inches a year.

And, of course, you can buy conifer hedging which is already established from us by the pallet load to make an instant boundary or windbreak.

What’s more, many conifers spread to create an incredibly dense hedge and so are ideal for places where you want to improve privacy and security. Not only that, but the overall aesthetic of the hedge will be much better. A well cared for conifer does look great.

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If you live in an area where there is heavy traffic, a conifer hedge could potentially drown out some of the noise, giving you a more peaceful outdoor space. But even better than this, they are known for their ability to absorb toxins and fumes.

Drawbacks of using conifers for hedging

While conifers are an excellent choice for hedging, there are a few reasons that you might want to keep in mind when making a decision if they are right for you.

As we’ve already mentioned, because conifers are such fast growing plants, it doesn’t take much for them to quickly get out of control. This means that you must be prepared to put in the maintenance necessary otherwise risk having an unruly hedge that does no favours for the appearance of your property.

There are several issues that can affect conifers such as root rot and honey fungus. This will turn the leaves brown and eventually, you’ll need to replace the conifers which can be a lengthy and effort-filled process depending on how mature your trees were.

Digging out established conifer hedging is not only back breaking it could be spade breaking too. In other words it will take a lot of physical effort and hard work. Unless you can hire one of those little digger machines of course.

How to plant conifer hedging

If you have decided that a conifer hedge is the best option for your garden then let us be the first to congratulate you on this amazing choice. You’ll benefit from years of beautiful green growth, as long as you put the work in. The most important job is ensuring that you plant the conifers correctly.

It is vital to plant your conifers as soon as you receive them. If you don’t the quality of the plant will quickly deteriorate so if you must wait a while, ensure that they are stored in a cool place that is free from frost.

Before planting make sure your conifers are well watered, you can stand them in a water bucket while you prepare the ground. You should dig a hole that is twice the size of the root ball.

Pop your conifer in and replace the soil around the edges before watering the planting area. You can also add mulch which is hugely beneficial to these plants.

How to trim conifer hedging - best maintenance practices

Maintaining your conifers requires some effort so it’s important to get a schedule going. In the first year, you must ensure that your plants remain well-watered. Do not expect that rainfall will be sufficient and regularly check the plants for any signs of dryness.

When it comes to trimming your conifers, you will need to let them mature first once you have planted them. Once this happens, you won’t need to spend much time pruning them and it is essential that you never cut into the brown wood. This will likely kill the plant and you’ll not see any new growth.

Instead, you should focus on lightly pruning the green parts of the plant in the same way that you would any other hedge. Trim lightly and evenly so that you are left with a mossy green finish.

The best time of year to prune conifers is throughout the late spring and into summer. However, if it is a yew variety, it is OK to keep pruning all the way through to autumn.

Check out our full range of hedging by clicking here.

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