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What is the best mulch for plants?

What is the best mulch for plants?

22nd Aug 2021

If you want your plants to thrive then it is vital that you offer them the correct nutrition. While plant foods are an excellent option, there is a more natural way...mulch.

Mulch is organic matter that can be used to give your garden a boost but different parts of the garden will do better with different types of mulch.

We are going to be exploring why mulch is such a beneficial method of fertilising your plants and what is the best type to use.

Why use mulch?

Mulch is a natural way to provide nutrients to the plants in your border and beds. But what is really great about it is that it will also help in the fight against weeds as they will struggle to grow through it. This saves you time and keeps your garden looking amazing.

Moreover, when you use mulch, you will be able to water your garden more effectively. In the winter, rain water will be much more easily able to penetrate through the soil. Conversely, during summer, you will find that the mulch retains moisture, slowly delivering this to your plants. In addition, this layer will protect your plant roots from extreme temperatures, giving them a much better chance of surviving extreme conditions.

If all of that wasn’t enough, different types of mulch might be used to deter certain pests that can be problematic for your plants.

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Can plants grow through mulch?

We have mentioned that using mulch is a good way to prevent weeds since they cannot grow through it. However, weeds are a type of plant so does this mean that your plants will struggle too?

If you apply too much mulch then yes, your plant will have problems growing through. For this reason, it is recommended not to use more than a 5cm layer of mulch.

What is the best mulch for plants?

The best mulch for plants depends on what you are growing. However, since most domestic gardens use plants that prefer an alkaline soil, hardwood bark mulch is considered to be the best option.

This type of mulch will easily decompose leaving incredibly rich dirt that smells amazing and sweet. What’s more, it looks really good so will also boost the aesthetic of your garden.

The only real downside to this type of mulch is that it isn’t the most affordable option. However, there are plenty of other things that you can use as mulch that might not be obvious at first thought.

5 things you didn’t know you could use as mulch


If you have pets that use hay then you can recycle this and use it as mulch. Hay that is wet is not suitable for feeding and so can be used as mulch and since it will have already started to spoil, this is perfect for your plants. For those that are growing vegetables and fruit bushes, this is a particularly good option.

Lawn Clippings

You have probably seen lawnmowers that come with a mulching mode, in which the grass clippings are spun around the deck and returned to the lawn. However, you can also collect your grass clippings and use these as mulch for your plants. What’s more, it costs nothing!

Pizza Boxes

That’s right! You can use your unsoiled pizza boxes and shred them to make mulch. The only thing to be careful of here is that you don’t use any that are significantly stained with oil.

Christmas Trees

OK, let’s get one thing straight; we aren’t suggesting that you plonk your entire Christmas tree in the flower bed and hope for the best. However, many places will shred and dispose of old Christmas trees and they’re more than happy to offload some of their waste. Around this time of year, why not make the most of this and get some free mulch?

Pine Needles

Pine needles make amazing mulch and yet not many people make use of them. If you live in an area with lots of pine trees then taking a walk to collect a batch will provide you with some free and effective mulch.

The best mulch for plants?

Mulch is used to give your plants a boost and help to keep the soil in tip top condition. While there are lots of things that you can use, some mulch is better than others. Hardwood bark is widely considered to be the best option for garden plants but since it is expensive, you might get creative and try some of our more innovative suggestions. 

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