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Sloeberry Plants

Perfect for the border or even pots on the patio you'll enjoy wonderful crops of delicious fruits with our sloeberry plants. You'll receive a beautiful specimen around three foot in height and all ready to plant in just about any soil and in full sun or semi shade. The fruit tastes delicious and of course making your own sloeberry gin has become very popular over the years, and why not, it’s one of our favourites! Grow your own sloes by planting some bushes within your garden. A very popular plant.

Fast delivery on our sloeberry plants

Our plants and trees will always be delivered to you in perfect condition all ready for planting. Once you've chosen the sloeberry plants you want our experienced team of gardening experts will make sure they pick the best specimens for you. All your plants will then be packaged securely to ensure they arrive at your door in perfect nursey fresh condition. And don't forget our multibuy deals. Buy three fruit bushes and you'll receive another plant absolutely free. In the meantime, if you need any further information, help or advice don’t hesitate to contact Direct Plants on 01485 601143 or

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