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Hardy Fern Polystichum Setiferum Plant Large 30-40cm Supplied in a 5 Litre Pot

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Product Description

A wonderful hardy fern plant brought to you by Direct Plants, perfect for that damp shady corner you may have, or under that large tree in your garden where theres not much sun, hardy ferns are ideal for any garden where theres shade, can also be grow in large patio pots in a shady corner. Ferns are a must have for any garden, they are a true investment for you & your garden, they add masses of lush foliage each year, and best of all they come back year after year, and each year they will grow bigger and better than the year before. You will receive 1 extra large fern plant growing in a 5 litre pot and is approx 30-40cm tall.

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