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Thuja Plicata Gelderland Western Red Cedar Trees 2-3ft Supplied in 2 Litre Pots

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E23-368-36D - PARENT
£17.97 - £59.90
Product Description
Thuja Plicata, the Western Red Cedar hedge plants are a very popular fast growing alternative hedging tree to Leylandii, which has superb dark green, very decorative evergreen foliage and will create an amazing hedge in any garden. Does not suffer from die back, and can be cut into old wood and still regrow without any browning. They are very easy to grow and are fast growing, approx 2-3ft per year. You can cut these conifers to any shape and size and are very easy to control and maintain. will create a superb privacy hedge within any garden. These high quality plants are supplied at 2-3ft tall, growing in 2 litre pots, delivered to your door nursery fresh in safe and secure live plant packaging direct from our nursery in Norfolk. Plant at 1 to 2 plants per meter to create a beautiful hedge
20 years online - still growing strong

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